GIT tip : A simple .gitconfig file
As several friends have asked me this, I have posted my simple but quite useful .gitconfig file. Nothing special here, just a few aliases and some syntax highlighting :).
As several friends have asked me this, I have posted my simple but quite useful .gitconfig file. Nothing special here, just a few aliases and some syntax highlighting :).
How to provide an authentication system through a LDAP server and keep classical django authentication available to keep possibility to create users only in django without having them in the LDAP directory and be able to fallback on django authentication for all users in case of a LDAP server failure.
Who is not tired of committing a "Remove pdb" or a "Fix a typo" few minutes or hours after committing a clean feature ? A few time ago, I discovered two useful options in GIT that work together : git commit --fixup and git rebase --autosquash. With these, you can easily merge …
Comment capturer une signature "électronique-manuscrite" dans Django avec l'application django-jsignature et le plugin javascript jSignature.
Cette année la Djangocong avait perdu son accent du sud pour partir à l'aventure et rencontrer le lion de Belfort. L'aventure est un mot pas si mal choisi quand on vient de Nantes car j'en ai profité pour tester tous les moyens de transport existant (ou presque) :